About Landlord loans
- Loans against property.
we also lend loan against properties with rentals in the cosmopolitan area of Nairobi.
For a property to qualify the rent collection must be able to cover loan repayment
installments per month.The interest rate is 5% per month comprehensive or 12.5%
on a straight line method we allow our clients to choose their favourable method
conducive with their business.
Loan requirements for property borrower.
i) Individual.
- Original title deed.
- The land approved subdivision plan.
- Area map from survey of Kenya.
- Ministry of land search.
- Land valuation by a busam capital appointed valuer
- The land must be free from any ambiguity.
- 6 months bank statement or mpesa.
- Utility bill of where the client stays.
- Passport photo/ copy of I.d/ kra pin.
- Busam capital credit officer report on the property.
- Duly signed transfer form in triplicate.
- Duly sign letter of consent in triplicate.
- Power of attorney to Busam Capital limited director.
- Postdated cheques.
ii) Company.
a)Certificate of incorporation of the company.
b) Kra pin of the company.
c) Memorandum & articles of association.
d) Location & proof of existence.
e) Resolution to borrow certified by a lawyer.
f) 6 months bank statements
g) Directors passport photo/ copy of i.d/ kra pins.
h) Land title deed details as above.
I) post dated cheques.